+ Build your team
Black Connect connects and supports established and aspiring entrepreneurs in all corners of the world. Black Connect helps strengthen the infrastructure and impact of small businesses by facilitating partnerships, jobs, and business opportunities that encourage business growth.
+ Join a forum
The Black Connect Business Development Forum provides members with a designated space to directly address the issues affecting their business endeavors. The forum allows entrepreneurs and small business owners to get answers and advice from peers, professionals, and experts in areas such as finance and accounting, sales and marketing, manufacturing and production, human resources and management, technology, insurance, and international commerce.
+ Sell and Showcase
The Black Connect Store, Business Directory, Freelancer, and BC Music provide avenues for members to promote and sell their products & services, music & podcasts, and create groups, events, blogs, and pages around specific interests or passions. Personalize your Black Connect experience to create brand awareness and connect with peers and consumers around the world.
+ Real talk
Black Connect members can voice unpopular opinions and speak freely and intelligently on thought-provoking issues that directly impact their lives without getting suspended, harassed, or banned from the network.